The Assessor’s Office annually compiles the City assessment roll consisting of an assessed value for each of the City’s 13,309 properties. Assessments are based on a percentage of the market value of each property and are used to compute annual tax bills for the City, School and County taxes. The total assessment roll for the City of Rome for 2024 was $1,539,084,411 from this figure the actual taxable amount was $858,718,783 up from $842,920,616 in 2023.
The Assessor’s Office processes various applications for tax exemptions each year which includes S.T.A.R, Enhanced S.T.A.R, senior citizens, capital improvements to residential property, commercial, business, or industrial property, veterans, non-profit and new home construction exemptions.
Filing or renewing of exemptions can be done between January 1 and the last Tuesday in July of each year.
Quick Links:
Deed Stamping Procedures
Online Property Information
Assessment Rolls Published Online
Assessment Grievance Process
Alteration or Rehabilitation of Historic Real Property
Solar or Wind Energy Systems or Farm Waste Energy Systems
Important Dates in the Assessor’s Office:
- Taxable Status Date – Last Tuesday in July
- Exemption Filing Deadline – Last Tuesday in July
- Tentative Roll Filed – Last Tuesday in July
- Grievance – 1st Tuesday in August
- Final Roll Filed – On or before September 15th
Assessor’s Contact Information:

John Ross
Assessor’s Aide
(315) 339-7614
Email: John Ross
Kristina Mosca
Assessor’s Aide
(315) 339-7615
Email: Kristina Mosca