The Department of Public Works is comprised of many different divisions that all work to repair and maintain the transportation, electrical, water and mechanical infrastructures of the City of Rome. Residents are highly encouraged to utilize our 311 app to report any issues.
Use the links below the Public Works link to bring you to the department in which you would like to navigate.
Our office is open Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. We are located on the 3rd floor in City Hall. The City Yard summer hours are 7 AM to 3:30 PM Monday-Friday.
Public Information Website Notice for the South James Street Bridge Rehabilitation
All project related comments, questions or feedback can be submitted directly within the contact form on the website.
Quick Links to Public Works Information:
Documents for Download:
Street Opening Permit
2024 Driveway Permit Request Application
2024 Right of Way Permit Application
2024 Sidewalk Rebate Program Application
City of Rome NY Truck Designated Routes
To all requesting a Driveway Permit, Right of Way Permit or Culvert installation permit please print the permit you are applying for, fill in all the information required and mail in payment and permit request to Rome City Hall, 198 N. Washington Street, Rome NY 13440. You will receive a correspondence within 3 business days of the Department of Public Works receiving the permit request. If you have any questions pertaining to the requirements of either of these permit please contact Joseph Guiliano, Engineer II , at 315-339-7627 from 7am to 4:30pm Monday thru Friday.
Rome NY 311 App
Download ROME NY 311 available for iOS and Android devices to report a current issue within the City of Rome.
What is 311? It can be used for anything a citizen wants to report to the proper officials in your city, town or county that is not a 911 emergency. For example the reporting of a traffic signal not functioning, graffiti on buildings, pot holes, fence issues, etc.
Waste Water Plant
The first municipal sewer system in the City of Rome was constructed in 1896. The Rome Water Pollution Control Facility, the first major treatment plant in the Mohawk Valley, was constructed in 1932. The plant was reconstructed and expanded in 1948. Planning for the new plant started in 1965 with project approval for construction in 1969. Construction started in 1974 and the plant was put into service in 1977. The total cost for this new facility was $13 million with 87.5 percent State and Federal aid. This new facility, a secondary treatment plant using an activated sludge process, was designed to serve a population of 55,000 and an average daily wastewater flow of 9 million gallons a day. In 1994, the plant was upgraded to a capacity of 12 million gallons a day, with additional aeration tanks, sludge thickener, odor control system and final clarifier, at a cost of $7.5 million.
The activated sludge process used at our facility was developed in England in 1914 and was so named because it involved the production of an activated mass of microorganisms capable of stabilizing the organic content of a waste. It is a biological contact process in which bacteria is commonly found. All types of bacteria make up activated sludge. Our activated sludge process consists of ten aeration basins. These ten basins have allowed us enough aeration capacity and detention time to enable us to nitrify. We nitrify by converting ammonia to nitrates.
Water / Sewer Maintenance
This division is responsible for:
Water Distribution – Hydrant flushing, testing, repairs and replacement. Water leak detection, service leak repairs, water main tapping, repairs and mainline valve replacement.
Water Meter Maintenance – Quarterly meter reading, meter repairs, testing and installations.
Sewer Maintenance – Monthly and weekly flushing, sewer complaints, sewer main repairs, manhole resets, infiltration repair.
Storm Sewer Maintenance – Weekly flushing, manhole rests, repairs and catch basin installations.
Dig Safely New York – Call 1-800-962-7962 before you dig.
GIS – (Geographic Information System) Utility layer development.
Hydrant Fire Flow Testing:
Hours of operation Monday – Friday 7AM to 4PM
Use the information/links below for Water/Sewer reporting procedures:
Leaking or Damaged Fire Hydrants: Contact the Water Department Maintenance Shop at the Emergency phone number (315) 339-7777, if after hours.
Damaged or Leaking Water Meters: Contact the Water Department Maintenance Shop at (315) 339-7772 or (315) 339-7773 or at the Emergency phone number (315) 339-7777, if after hours.
Turning Water Service On: Turning water service on will be done during working hours ONLY, UNLESS previously turned off for repairs. Water that has been off the rolls for a period of time will be turned on only after a Request for Water Turn On has been filled out at the Water Department Maintenance Shop. You can also download the form by clicking here.
Turning Water Service Off: If an emergency arises and the water service needs to be turned off during working hours call the Water Department Maintenance Shop at the Emergency phone number (315) 339-7777, if after hours. Turning water service off for minor repairs should be done during working hours ONLY. Water that is requested to be taken off the Water Rolls will be turned off only after a Request for Water Off has been filled out at the Water Department Maintenance Shop. You can also download the form by clicking here.
Reporting Dirty Water: Contact the Water Department Maintenance Shop at (315) 339-7772 or (315) 339-7773 or at the Emergency phone number (315) 339-7777, if after hours.
Complaint of No Water: Contact the Water Department Maintenance Shop at (315) 339-7772 or (315) 339-7773 or at the Emergency phone number (315) 339-7777, if after hours.
Reporting a Water Leak: Contact the Water/Sewer Maintenance Shop at (315) 339-7772 or (315) 339-7773 or at the Emergency phone number (315) 339-7777, if after hours.
Water Tap Procedure:
- Pay for the tap at the Treasurer’s Office located in City Hall
- Obtain a plumbing permit at the Code Enforcement Office located in City Hall
- Obtain a Street Cut permit at the Public Works Office at City Hall and schedule the water tap service 24 hours in advance
Forestry Division
Mission Statement
To develop, protect, and manage the City of Rome’s urban forest and greenspaces in order to cultivate a better quality of life through economic opportunity, environmental sustainability and aesthetic beauty.
For further comments, issues or questions, please contact Tom Jones at (315) 339-7774.
Central Maintenance
Central Maintenance is the vehicle maintenance department for the City of Rome, charged with writing specifications for all of the City’s equipment and maintaining it through out its life cycle. Central Maintenance is responsible for every piece of equipment that the city owns (with the exception of the fire department). From police cars to payloaders, the fleet currently stands at 247 pieces of equipment. In addition, Central Maintenance is responsible for roughly 100 pieces of light equipment such as, lawnmowers, chainsaws, pumps and generators. A complete parts room inventory is also maintained for around the clock repairs when needed.
Central Maintenance houses its own repair shop, capable of repairing just about every piece of equipment the City owns. In addition, they also have their own tire repair shop, weld shop, and body shop. During winter months the shop operates a minimum of two shifts for maintenance and repairs, as well as mechanics for plow and sander repairs.
The department is comprised of eight dedicated employees. The Central Maintenance mechanics are skilled in all types or repair and are capable of working on and repairing any equipment the City owns; no one mechanic works on any one single type of equipment.
City Yard
The City Yard is one of the most diverse facets of City government and is responsible for maintaining and developing a number of tasks to keep the City of Rome safe, clean and a great place to raise a family.
Supervised by the Department of Public Works, the primary tasks of City Yard include snow plowing and removal, street sweeping, green waste and brush removal, waste transfer, street maintenance, inside and outside district road side mowing, pothole repair, tree planting and removal.
Other projects the City Yard accomplishes are culvert repair and installations, replacement of tree damaged concrete sidewalks.
The City Yard:
- For concerns with streets, green-waste, etc call the City Yard at (315) 339-7774.
- E-waste drop-off site is located at the Western Transfer Station @ 575 Perimeter Road, Rome, NY 13440; Phone Number: (315) 339-1990 (Call ONLY for E-Waste Questions).
- Partners with a number of other City Departments to demolish condemned buildings, install Christmas decorations and construct city beautification projects.
- Is always one of the first responders to storm damage, power outages and road damage.
Chemical Waste Disposal:
Any Paint, Gasoline, Kerosene, Paint Thinner, Stripper, Oil, and any other Toxic or Combustible can be brought to:
Merf Plant
80 Leland Ave
Utica, NY
Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:00PM
Saturday 7:00AM-2:00PM
The service is free to Oneida and Herkimer County residents.
Call for seasonal hours. (315) 733-1224
Street Maintenance:
Street maintenance crews provide the following services from the City Yard facility:
- Street Sweeping
- Pothole Repairs
- Leaf & Brush Pick Up
- Snow Plowing
- Road Edge Mowing
- Storm Water System Cleaning
- Storm Water System Installation
The City of Rome’s Electrical Department is tasked with the operation and maintenance of traffic lights, municipal fire alarm systems and electrical systems of most of the city buildings. The Electrical Department also installs, maintains, removes and stores all Christmas decorations including the light pole, City tree and Trinkaus decorations. In addition, they provide 24-hour emergency response to all city departments and support all city events and functions such as the Taste of Rome, Honor America Days, Summer in the Square, Summer Sounds, and the Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
Street Light Outage:
To report a street light outage please note the pole number and the nearest street address and call City of Rome Department of Public Works at (315) 339-7635.
Traffic Light Outage:
To report traffic light outage or malfunction call (315) 339-7635.
The Engineering Department is responsible for:
- Construction Projects
- Street Reconstruction
- Street Resurfacing
- Water and Sanitary Sewer Projects
- Curb Cuts (Both New and Widening of Existing Driveways)
- Culvert Permit Applications
- Tax Maps Information
- Property Deeds Information
Engineering Contact:
Engineer II
(C): (315) 335-2653
Public Works Inspector
(315) 281-5124
Engineer I
(315) 717-7839
Engineer I
(315) 335-9003
Engineer Part-Time
(315) 335-8062
Responsible for maintenance and daily operation of the Liberty George Street Garage and the Liberty James Street Garage as well the enforcement and collection of all parking meters and enforcement of all non-metered parking lots throughout the city.
Traffic Maintenance
You would call this department if you needed information on traffic signs such as yield, stop signs or no parking signs, or wish to report sign damage. We can give you information on street and road painting.
Damaged or missing sign reports that we receive are handled on a priority basis. Signs that direct or restrict traffic flow such as stop signs, one way, or do not enter signs, to name a few, are usually repaired within 24 hours and no more than 72 hours. All other signs are usually repaired or partially repaired within one week, or very seldom, up to two weeks. Sometimes specific circumstances exist that may prolong repairs. Signs that are bent in such a manner as to create a condition, which may cause harm to pedestrians or vehicles, are handled promptly.
Our pavement-marking program usually runs from mid-May through September. This program consists of applying centerlines, edge lines, crosswalks, stop bars and directional arrows.
For inquiries or to report sign damage call us directly. If we are not available to answer your call please leave you name, telephone number and a brief message and we will get back to you as soon as we return.
If you are reporting sign damage that requires immediate attention and we are not in the office, please call the City Yard at 339-7778.
If you are calling to report a sign, which may require immediate attention, after working hours, call the Rome Police Department at 339-3311.
The Central New York Regional Transportation Authority (Centro) provides public transportation and paratransit services across the City of Rome six days a week.
For service information, please visit: or call: (315) 442-3400
There will be no service on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. (we also do not operate on Sundays in Rome)
Birnie Bus :
Public Works Contacts:
Joseph Guiliano
Commissioner of Public Works
(315) 339-7627
Email: Joe Guiliano