The Code Enforcement office is responsible for enforcement of building codes, enforcement of zoning code, and the issuance of building permits and their required inspections. The City of Rome Common Council has adopted the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code for the administration and enforcement of all construction and maintenance of new and existing properties.
Housing Division
The Housing Division provides general enforcement services utilizing both the New York State Property Maintenance Code and the Rome Code of Ordinances.
The housing inspectors are assigned ward territories where they provide services to include:
1) Private property maintenance enforcement
2) Social Service dwelling inspections
3) Zoning enforcement
Fire Prevention
As a result of a New York State regulation effective January 1, 2007, every municipality in NYS must conduct fire safety and property maintenance inspections.
Provisions shall be made for:
1) Fire safety and property maintenance inspections of buildings which contain an area of public assembly at intervals not to exceed one year
2) Fire safety and property maintenance inspections of all multiple dwellings (3 dwelling units and up) and all nonresidential occupancies at intervals consistent with conditions, but in no event shall such interval exceed one (1) year for dormitories and three (3) years for all other occupancies
The owner of a building must maintain and keep current all inspections and certifications of all equipment and fire alarm and control devices. These records shall be available to the Code Enforcement office upon request.
Smoke Alarm Installation and Maintenance Sheet
Fire and Evacuation Drills
Fire evacuation-safety plans guidelines
Construction Division
Many projects require permits. So, if in doubt about whether the project you intend to undertake will require a permit, please call the City of Rome Codes Department at 315-339-7642. A stop work order will be issued to any job started without a building permit and subject to a thorough inspection. Additionally, permit fees are doubled for any work started without a building permit.
Frequently asked questions and what would require a building permit are outlined in the links listed. *Always contact the codes office to confirm that a permit is required or not.
Additional Information:
Permits required: Generally, permits are required to:
- Construct a house or building
- Add or make structural alterations to a building
- Install new windows (Energy Code and Egress Requirements)
- Construct, repair or replace a deck steps and handrails
- Install or replace a pool, spa, or hot tub
- Kitchen or bath remodels
- Build or enclose a porch
- Construct an accessory building (shed or other structures detached from the principle bldg)
- Convert garage, attic, or basement to usable space, such as a recreation room
- Install new, or extend existing plumbing
- Alter or extend the electric system
- Demolish any building interior or building section, sheds under 144SF (require a no-cost demo permit to be removed from Assessor’s Inventory)
- Repair structures damaged by fire
- Install any wood burning appliance (e.g. woodstove, fireplace, etc)
- Install a chimney liner or repair chimney
- Erect any sign
- Install a septic tank
- Drill a well
- Add fill, excavate or change existing drainage
- Move any building
Zoning Inside District
Zoning Outside District
New York State Codes
Building Permit Fee Schedule
Residential Building Permit Guidelines
City of Rome’s Code of Ordinances
Accessory Structures
The City of Rome regulates all accessory structures within the inner and outside districts to make sure that they meet the zone district development standards and the NYS Build Code. All accessory structures require a building permit to be issued by the code enforcement office prior to the placement or construction of the structure. All accessory structures that are less than 144 square feet in size do not require a fee to obtain a building permit. For structures larger than 144 square feet in size, a fee will be charged for the building permit and the structure is to be constructed in accordance with the NYS Building Code.
Pool Permits
All residential swimming pools within the City of Rome containing 24” of water or more require a building permit. The building permit is required to ensure that the pool meets the applicable zoning codes, building codes, and electrical codes. The zoning code states that all pools must be located in the side or rear yards. In ground pools must be located no closer than 5′ away from the property line. Above ground pools must be located no closer than 10′ away from the property line. A third party electrical inspection is required for all pools that require a building permit to ensure the proper installation of the electrical wiring and components. A list of third party electrical inspection agencies is listed below. A copy of the completed electrical inspection must be submitted to the building inspector prior to the use of the pool, and without it a Certificate of Compliance will not be issued. For pools with an outside wall height that is greater than 48” above grade, a barrier is not required. All other pools must meet the proper barrier requirements before the Certificate of Compliance is issued and the pool can be used.
Documents, Forms and Applications:
Self Set Pools Technical Bulletin
This section has listed links and information for your demolition concerns.
Additional Information Links:
State Asbestos Info
Utility Disconnect Form
The purposes of these sign regulations are to:
- Encourage the effective use of signs as a means of communication in the city
- Maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment and the city’s ability to attract sources of economic development and growth
- Improve pedestrian and traffic safety
- Minimize possible adverse affects of signs on nearby public and private property
- Enable the fair and consistent enforcement of these sign restrictions
The City of Rome requires all plumbing work to be performed by a City of Rome licensed plumber. The Code Enforcement Office oversees a plumbing board, administers plumbing exams, and enforces the performance of all plumbing activities in the City. It is the responsibility of the plumbing inspector to ensure the health and safety of the public water and sanitation while enforcing quality workmanship and adherence to standards.
2024 Licensed Master Plumbers List
2024 Licensed Limited Residential Plumbers List
Plumbing Exam Information/Directions
Limited Residential Plumbing Exam Application
Master Plumbing Exam Application
2025 Third Party Electrical Inspectors List
The City of Rome Zoning Ordinance, developed in conjunction with the comprehensive plan, was adopted April 28, 2004. The new ordinance is a complete revision of the former ordinance adopted in the early 1960’s. Because of the age of the previous ordinance, many components of the document were outdated and incomplete. The new ordinance focuses on correcting these issues, improving development standards, focusing development in appropriate areas and making the City of Rome a friendly place to live and do business.
A zoning law is a community’s guide to its future development. It is not meant to be just another governmental intrusion, or another bit of red tape ahead of development plans. A landowner can look at the zoning map and regulations and know that if he follows them, he has a right to use his land in a certain way, and that neighboring property is subject to the same restrictions. But, because all land in the district is subject to the same rules, and because no two parcels of land are precisely the same, problems can arise.
When the first zoning ordinance in this country was passed in New York City in 1916, there was doubt that the courts would uphold its constitutionality, since it was a new and, at that time, radical system of land use control. Various safety valves were included in that first ordinance; therefore, in an attempt to relieve the pressure of too rigid enforcement of the zoning ordinance and any attendant hardship, and also to attempt to ensure judicial approval of the new concept. Foremost among these devices was the concept of an administrative body that would stand as a buffer between the property owner and the court. That administrative body is the Zoning Board of Appeals, sometimes referred to as a board of adjustment.
Permit Applications for Download:
Building Permit Fee Schedule
Commercial & Residential Structures Permit Application
Worker’s Comp Exemption for Owner Occupied Residences
CE-200 Form
NYS Unified Solar Permit Application
Demolitions Permit Application
HVAC Permit Application
Plumbing Permit Application
Sheds, Gazebos, Garages & Accessory Structure Permit
Sign Permit Application
Swimming Pool Permit Application
Decks, Porches and Steps Permit Application
Electrical Permit Application
Prescriptive Residential Wood Deck Construction Guide
ZBA Area Variance Application
ZBA Special Permit Application
ZBA Use Variance Application
Code Enforcement Contact Information:

Chief Code Enforcement Officer & Building Inspector
(315) 339-7642
Email: Mark Domenico
Mike Dorsino
Sr Assistant Building Inspector
(315) 838-1719
Email: Mike Dorsino
Dan Berkhoudt
Senior Assistant Building Inspector
(315) 838-1712
Email: Dan Berkhoudt
Greg Shaver
Deputy Director
(315) 339-7699
Email: Greg Shaver
Gino Diciolla
Housing Inspector Ward 3
(315) 339-7641
Email: Gino Diciolla
Fred Fox Jr.
Wards 1 & 2
(315) 838-1732
Email: Fred Fox Jr
Chris Childs
Fire Prevention/Assistant Building Inspector
(315) 838-1714
Email: Chris Childs
Paul Dousharm
Plumbing Inspector/Senior Assistant Building Inspector/
Cross Connection Control
(315) 838-1754
Email: Paul Dousharm
Nicholas Facciolo
Housing Inspector
Ward 6 & 7/Real Property Chairman
(315) 339-7637
Email: Nicholas Facciolo
Lisa Pasqualetti
Housing Inspector
Ward 4 & 5
(315) 838-1709
Email: Lisa Pasqualetti