The Rome Planning Board provides community input and advice to the Mayor, the City Council and the Department of Community and Economic Development on any matter affecting planning and development within the community.
The board reviews plans for subdivisions, applications for site plans for new or modified construction, applications for changes to the official zoning map and requests for changes within Rome’s Historic District.
The Board also reviews State Environmental Quality Review Act, or SEQR, applications to determine the significance of the impact of proposed projects on the environment.
Planning Board meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Common Council Chambers at City Hall.
Please visit the City of Rome, NY official YouTube page to live stream the meeting:
- Joseph Calandra – Vice Chairperson
- Mark Esposito – Chairperson
- Brittany Fumarola
- Eric Gonzalez
- David Smith
Meeting Documents:
- Planning Board Application
- Historic District Application
- Lot Line Adjustment Application
- Environmental Assessment Form (Short)
- Environmental Assessment Form (Long)
- EAF Mapper
- Subdivision Flowchart
Garret Wyckoff
(315) 339-7644
Email: Garret Wyckoff
Public comments may be submitted via the form below: